Senin, 24 September 2012

IBM Succes Story

Travel and Transportation



Perjalanan dan transportasi perusahaan perlu memanfaatkan metode untuk memotong biaya sambil
mencari cara untuk meningkatkan pendapatan. BPM, SOA dan dapat memberikan efisiensi biaya dan
solusi gesit untuk membantu dengan kepuasan pelanggan dan pertumbuhan pendapatan retensi
peluang dan biaya operasional meningkat.

IBM membantu pelanggan perjalanan dan transportasi di seluruh dunia dalam membangun lebih lincah
solusi yang mempercepat waktu untuk memasarkan dan mengaktifkan layanan ditingkatkan untuk Anda
pelanggan. WebSphere solusi untuk perjalanan dan transportasi membantu meningkatkan
loyalitas pelanggan dan pendapatan sekaligus mengurangi biaya melalui otomatisasi proses dan
lebih efisien manajemen aset.

Perusahaan bekerja sama dengan IBM untuk melaksanakan WebSphere ILOG JRules bisnis
Aturan sistem manajemen (BRMS), yang memungkinkan tim bisnis untuk lebih mudah
memelihara dan menyebarkan logika pengambilan keputusan yang kompleks dan mencapai skalabilitas untuk anggotanya
pemberitahuan program.
Sebuah pertukaran properti dan perusahaan rental menyediakan pertukaran liburan
dan jasa perjalanan untuk bisnis dan konsumen, program pertukaran;
dan liburan, mulai dari apartemen kota ke cottage negara
dan villa. Hal ini juga menyediakan konsultasi, penelitian, manajemen aset, dan
turnkey solusi dan layanan.
Dengan lebih dari 3 juta baris kode di kompleks warisan 35-tahun
sistem mainframe, pertukaran properti dan perusahaan rental ditemukan
sendiri menghadapi beberapa masalah bisnis penting. Perusahaan tidak bisa
merespon kebutuhan pasar yang terus berubah secara real time atau mudah mengakses
yang banyak aturan yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan properti, harga atau masalah lainnya.
Akibatnya, kepuasan anggota menderita dan kelompok dipaksa untuk
mempertahankan call center mahal melalui mana 90 persen dari liburan
pertukaran dan penyewaan berlangsung. Sistem ini juga membatasi mode
anggota pemberitahuan, pendapatan mengancam dengan mempengaruhi keanggotaan

The company sought to revamp its legacy system by moving to a Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA). The company worked with IBM to
implement the WebSphere ILOG JRules business rule management
system (BRMS), allowing its business team to more easily maintain and
deploy complex decision logic and achieving scalability for its member
notification program.
The company chose to create an Enhanced Search application with
the JRules BRMS as the back-end platform managing all the timeshare
rules. The new SOA platform features one central exchange
platform and more than six services, including pricing and member
communications services. The rules can now be written by business
analysts, changed in real time and easily searched and monitored by
the business teams. The company was also able to shift support from
its costly call center to the more affordable web channel.
• Support for more than one membership delivery mechanism increases
revenue opportunities around membership and exchange fees
• Capability for business teams to maintain rules reduces IT overhead
• Improved member satisfaction through improved searchability across
its network of affiliate properties and reduced failed searches
• Ability to change the rules in real time and respond to market changes
in hours or days instead of weeks or months
• Decreased mainframe utilization costs—70 percent overall decrease
and 98 percent decrease related to web channel shift

Business need:
North America’s third largest logistics
company, this transport services
company supplements or fully
supports the transportation needs of
customers in a wide variety of
industries. Operating out of more
than 300 sites, the company
depends heavily on their IT systems
to meet contracts. To bring
coherence to its billing and payroll
systems, the company decided to
centralize the contract management
systems used by its Dedicated
Contract Services Division and
support them with powerful software
for implementing policies.

With operations spanning the United
States, Canada and Mexico and
customers like Wal-Mart, Ford and
Procter & Gamble, this transport
services company’s billing and
payroll systems were becoming
increasingly complex fast. The
solution was to centralize the
systems to ensure consistency and
compliance. This led them to IBM®
WebSphere® ILOG JRules, the top
seller in the business rule
management system (BRMS)
market. The company created a
flexible management environment
that greatly improved operations and
compliance with industry regulations
in just nine months.
Besides centralized systems that are
easier to maintain, the company has
experienced benefits that include:
• Increased revenue through
billing of contractual activities
that were being missed with
manual systems
• More accurate payroll
management through
• Faster billing cycles from
more comprehensive invoices
derived from rules for rate
• Externalized reporting of key
performance indicators time
A big plus has been the complete
acceptance of the new IT
architecture by field offices.
Centralizing and automating the
systems have reduced the workload
of site personnel. They now focus
more on logistics and have greater
confidence in meeting home-office

1 komentar:

  1. Hmm, awal yang kurang bagus. Orang baca sangat tidak nyaman. Lain kali diatur lagi sebelum di publish.
